Following the publication of the 2021-2022 Sustainability Report, IC Holding explained its strategy and projects to its stakeholders at the IC Holding Sustainability Day, organized for the first time. At the event, where the IC Sustainability Team completed the 18-week-long certificate program by presenting their graduation projects, important names of sustainability met at the “Sustainability Transformation of Our Country and Collaboration for Sustainable Development” panel.
Operating in five main sectors including construction, energy, tourism, industry and infrastructure, IC İbrahim Çeçen Investment Holding (IC Holding) explained its centralized sustainability management system and “Impact of Development” sustainability strategy to its internal and external stakeholders at IC Holding Sustainability Day.
The event started with the opening speeches of Murad Bayar, CEO of IC Holding, and Murat Sungur Bursa, President of the Sustainability Academy; following the presentation of Sertaç Doğanay, Sustainability Communicator, Konca Çalkıvik, Secretary General of the Business World and Sustainable Development Association, Semra Sevinç, Board Member of the Sustainability Academy, the event continued with the panel “Sustainability Transformation of Our Country and Cooperation for Sustainable Development” with the participation of Dora Üreten, Director of Escarus, a sustainability consultancy company of Industrial Development Bank of Türkiye, and Fatih Erdem, Director of Quality, OHS and Environment at TANAP.
Stating that sustainability transformation is inevitable for companies aiming for lasting success in the sectors they operate in, Murad Bayar, CEO of IC Holding, said: “Sustainability, which meant a social responsibility project for most of us until a few years ago, has become a concept that we discuss how we can focus our business today. As IC Holding, we take our steps with the awareness of our duties and responsibilities. I am happy that we have established our sustainability management system, published our sustainability report and hosted such an event with a full content in a short period of 1.5 years. We will continue our social investments with IC İbrahim Çeçen Foundation by developing projects in various fields such as sports, environment and cultural development, especially educational scholarships for university students.”
Important names of sustainability came together at the panel
Murat Sungur Bursa, President of the Sustainability Academy, stated that he believes that sustainability studies will contribute to brand structuring for the organization, employment of more qualified people, making employees happier and more productive, and stated that sustainability is not only the sustainability of the work done, but also the sustainability of the company, the country and humanity.
Konca Çalkıvik, Secretary General of the Business World and Sustainable Development Association, who spoke at the “Sustainability Transformation of Our Country and Cooperation for Sustainable Development” panel held in the first part of the event, stated that we are far away from the 1.5° target of the Paris Agreement and that companies should transform their business practices and strategies by taking into account the climate crisis. Drawing attention to the transformative power of the business world, Çalkıvik emphasized that companies should implement ambitious strategies and actions that will include value chains to achieve net zero emissions, be nature-positive, reduce inequalities and contribute to a just society.
Semra Sevinç, Board Member of the Sustainability Academy, said: “The world we live in today is a world of inequalities and crises. Companies need to manage all crises and continue to grow at the same time. At this point, companies need to focus on “Good Growth” by changing their mission, vision and ways of doing business.”
Dora Üreten, Director of Escarus, shared her views on the points where sectoral collaborations for sustainable development differ from conventional collaborations. Fatih Erdem, TANAP Quality, OHS and Environment Director, shared his experiences on sustainability management in the energy sector and the projects they have implemented.
IC Sustainability Team graduated.
IC Sustainability Team, which was established with the participation of 50 volunteer employees of IC Holding and gained expertise through the certificate program prepared in cooperation with the Holding’s education platform IC Academy and Sustainability Academy, presented their graduation projects and received their certificates. The Sustainability Team, which received a total of 40 hours of training lasting 18 weeks on 12 different topics, will shape the next 10 years of the Holding’s sustainability efforts and lead its vision.
IC Holding Sustainability Day ended with the presentation of 10 different graduation projects by the IC Sustainability Team and the certificate ceremony followed by a dance show by the special employees of “Plus 1 by IC Hilton Bomonti”.